SftTree/NET 2.0

RowHeadersClass Class

Softel vdm, Inc.

  RowHeadersClass Class (Softelvdm.SftTreeNET Namespace)

An instance of the RowHeadersClass class defines attributes for all row headers in a SftTree/NET control.

There are three instances of the RowHeadersClass object for one SftTree/NET control, describing the row headers in the item area, the column header area and the column footer area. They are accessed using the RowHeaders, Headers.RowHeaders and Footers.RowHeaders properties.


Public Class RowHeadersClass Inherits Object


public class RowHeadersClass : Object


public ref class RowHeadersClass : public Object













Public Constructors



This class cannot be instantiated.


Public Properties


public propertyAllowMergeFromUpperDefault

Defines the CellBaseClass.AllowMergeFromUpper property default for row headers, whether cells in row headers allow merging with cells above.

public propertyAppearanceDefault

Defines the default background appearance of row headers.

public propertyBackColor

Defines the default background color for all row headers that are not selected.

public propertyBackColorSelected

Defines the default background color for all row headers that are selected.

public propertyButtonDarkColor

Defines the color used to draw the slightly dark edge of a row header button (BackgroundAppearanceEnum.ButtonPlain and BackgroundAppearanceEnum.HeaderEmptyArea only).

public propertyButtonDarkDarkColor

Defines the color used to draw the dark edge of a row header button (BackgroundAppearanceEnum.ButtonPlain only).

public propertyButtonFaceColor

Defines the color used to draw the face of a row header button (BackgroundAppearanceEnum.ButtonPlain only).

public propertyButtonLightColor

Defines the color used to draw the lighted edge of a row header button (BackgroundAppearanceEnum.ButtonPlain only).

public propertyButtonLightLightColor

Defines the color used to draw the highlighted edge of a row header button (BackgroundAppearanceEnum.ButtonPlain only).

public propertyEnabled

Defines whether row headers are enabled.

public propertyFlybyHighlight

Defines whether row headers are highlighted as the mouse cursor moves over a row header.

public propertyFlybyHighlightUnderline

Defines whether row headers are underlined as the mouse cursor moves over a row header.

public propertyFont

Defines the default font for all row headers.

public propertyForeColor

Defines the default foreground color for all row headers that are not selected.

public propertyForeColorSelected

Defines the default foreground color for all row headers that are selected.

public propertyGapBetweenParts

Defines the gap between parts within one cell in row headers.

public propertyGrayText

Defines the foreground color for all row headers that are disabled.

public propertyLinearGradientMode

Defines the linear gradient mode used to render the available background area in cells in the row header area.

public propertyMaxLines

Defines the maximum number of text lines to be displayed by row headers.

public propertyMergeWithLowerDefault

Defines the CellBaseClass.MergeWithLower property default for row headers, whether cells in row headers merge with cells below.

public propertyPartsBottomEdge

Defines the bottom edge gap for cells in the row header area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyPartsLeftEdge

Defines the left edge gap for cells in the row header area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyPartsRightEdge

Defines the right edge gap for cells in the row header area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertyPartsTopEdge

Defines the top edge gap for cells in the row header area, used to calculate the available interior space in a cell (GenericPartClass.PartAlignment).

public propertySelectOnClick

Defines whether clicking on a row header selects the item.

public propertyShowSelection

Defines whether row headers reflect the item selection (ItemClass.Selected).

public propertyShowToolTips

Defines whether tooltips are shown for row headers.

public propertySortIndicatorPositionDefault

Defines the default sorting indicator position for row headers.

public propertyWidth

Defines the width of the row header area.


Public Methods


public methodEqualsinherited from System.Object

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.

public methodGetHashCodeinherited from System.Object

Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

public methodGetOptimalWidth

Calculates the row header area's optimal width so that the cell contents in the row header area can be displayed without being clipped horizontally.

public methodGetTypeinherited from System.Object

Gets the Type of the current instance.

public methodMakeOptimal

Sets the row header area's optimal width so that the cell contents in the row header area can be displayed without being clipped horizontally.

public methodstatic / sharedReferenceEqualsinherited from System.Object

Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.

public methodToStringinherited from System.Object

Returns a String that represents the current Object.


Public Event


public eventPropertyChanged

Occurs when a property of a RowHeadersClass instance is modified.


Protected Methods


protected methodFinalizeinherited from System.Object

Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.

protected methodMemberwiseCloneinherited from System.Object

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.


See Also     Softelvdm.SftTreeNET Namespace

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